JFDI Solutions

working for your success

Email: support@jfdi.solutions

Delivering Solutions to Your Business

Bookkeeping and Finance

Being on the ball with all the financial ins and outs is a defining discipline for successful businesses. Tracking, forecasting and accruing of company invoices needs to be set up and managed for the benefit of your business operation. Does it currently work for you and is it as streamlined as it could be so that the ongoing management is kept to an absolute minimum and any financial information is ‘at your fingertips'?

We investigate, identify and collate positive actions that will help your business in the control and management of all your finances. Having overall peace of mind that your financial controls are working for your success at every point offers you and others confidence in your business.

Company Branding and Logo

So many organisations and businesses forget or neglect this critical area. Knowing its value is one thing, being able to develop a consistent and authentic brand ID is quite another. “We must get around to that” is one of those things that we hear all the time. Unfortunately, it never happens or when it does, it isn’t truly embraced and its real value is never seen. 

We explore, design and create company brands and identities that are supported by marketing ideas and recommendations that use your brand in the most effective way. That way your brand can be working for your success day after day, generating new business without you lifting a finger.

Marketing Collateral

Shouting about your business can easily be done with the right collection of marketing materials. Marketing drives your business. It will familiarise customers with your products, services and what your company stands for. The magic formula is having the right mix of sources and messages that engage all of your customers – existing and potential ones!

We identify, design and create your marketing messages and materials so that your company is heard for all the right reasons. That way your marketing will continuously be working for your success through every channel that you choose to use, opening the doors to new and repeat business every minute of the day.

Resolving Challenges

Every business encounters them but not every business overcomes them. Everyday the beating heart of your business needs to be strong and healthy to meet and overcome challenges. Could they be avoided or converted into opportunities that save you time or money or generate new revenue for you? Having an ‘on hand’ knowledge bank with experience to maximise the potential of current and future challenges is worth its weight in gold.


We review, check and provide workable solutions so that your business can reap all the benefits associated with meeting any challenge head on. Knowing how each one can be working for your success offers confidence that your business can go from strength to strength.

Adminstrational Solutions

What if some could be removed or streamlined so that the overall time and cost of completing them is reduced? Being able to do it is dependent upon being able to see it!

We pride ourselves on identifying, analysing and producing a new set of ‘working ways’ that support the completion of tasks in a better way. That way even your daily, weekly or monthly administration is also working for your success and is seen this way by everyone connected with it.

Engaging Communications

The need to engage with current and prospective customers as well as employees in an inspiring way has never been more important. Communication is one single word but its impact is felt everywhere, everyday. Having the ability to use all the social media channels and other recognisable communication ’tools’ can differentiate you from your competitors as well as other employers. What is your communication style? How would you describe it? Would your customers be able to recognise it?

We look to link the business itself to a communication style and set of tools that connect with both customers and employees, creating an energy and identity around communications so that they can be working for your success each and every time one is produced and read.

Employee Recruitment and Development

Identifying the right candidate can be fraught with danger and investing in the development of the wrong one is both damaging and hugely costly. How personal and bespoke is the service that agencies provide? Are you just one of many or is your agenda truly at the top of their list. How do you test or assess what they are doing on your behalf?

Our philosophy is to offer an end2end experience for companies providing you with a bespoke service from advertising through to construction of the right ‘on-boarding’ journey so that they are working for your success as quickly as possible. No wastage, just a clean and concise experience managed for you – from start to finish!   

Business Planning

Producing an initial business plan that is revisited and adjusted accordingly on a regular basis is proven to help businesses succeed and demonstrate to financial partners how competently the business is managed.

We are invigorated by helping piece together a simple and workable plan that becomes the focal point of your business, with simplicity being the key word.

Having individual tasks and actions for each part of your business together with achievable and aspirational targets linked to them, makes any plan one that is continuously working for your success from the moment it is produced.